Benton County 4-H Market Hog Show
Thursday, August 25, 2022
PeeWee Hog Show @ 4:00 P.M.
Hog Show & Sale @ 5:00 P.M.
PeeWee 4-H Market Hog Show
- Show will be open to any Benton County youth that is not old enough to enroll in 4-H. (3rd Grade or below)
- Entries will be taken at 3:45 P.M.
- Classes will be assigned based on the number of participants and age.
- Participants will show hogs that are already on the grounds. No hogs may be brought to the fairgrounds for this show.
- Participants may have assistance of an older 4-H or FFA member or a parent.
- Participation ribbons will be given for awards.
Youth 4-H Market Hog Show
Benton County Livestock Association; Hargrove Farms
- Open to all Benton County youth from grade 4 through 12. Exhibitor must have been enrolled in 4-H in 4th through 12th grade on January 1, 2022.
- Each exhibitor may tag in 3 pigs from which 2 may be selected to show.
- Pigs were to be weighed and tagged in on May 7, 2022.
- Show hogs must be weighed and penned by 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 24th.
- A completed market hog record (expenses and income, profit or loss) must be turned in when checks for hogs are picked up.
- PeeWee Hog Show will begin at 4:00 P.M. followed by the Hog Show at 5:00 P.M.
- Sale will follow about 15 minutes after the show.
- Classes will be determined by dividing animals into equal classes by weight, plus or minus 2 or 3 animals.
- Sale order will be determined by drawing numbers before the show with the exception of Grand Champion which will sell first followed by Reserve Champion.
- Each exhibitor may sale their highest placing animal. In the event an exhibitor has two animals in different classes that place the same, the lightest will be sold. Other animals will be sold at regular market hog price.
- There will be an exhibitor meeting at 3:30 P.M. prior to the show. All exhibitors must be present.
- Exhibitors must show their own hogs. If any situation arises that the exhibitor cannot show, such as two hogs in the same class, illness or injury, it must be approved by the 4-H Show Committee. Conflicting activities will not be approved.
- Hogs must weigh at least 225 lbs. to sell at auction. Hogs under 225 lbs. will not be allowed to show or sell. Hogs over 280 lbs. will be sold at 280 lbs.
- All hogs must be fitted for show by the exhibitor.
- A show fee will be assessed for each exhibitor for buyer meals, judges honorarium, veterinary inspection and trucking.
- The Benton County Livestock Association will sponsor a showmanship award with 1st place receiving $15, 2nd– $10 and 3rd– $5. 1st place winner will receive a Showmanship Buckle sponsored by Hargrove Farms.
- If an auction sale buyer does not want to take possession of the hog that they buy and the owner/exhibitor wants to sell the hog to another buyer this will be a private sale between them. The 4-H Show and Sale will not handle any private transactions. (If these transactions take place it is very important that the 4-H Show and Sale know about these to avoid confusion about where these hogs will be going for processing.)
- Hogs are subject to a health inspection before the show by a veterinarian or Tennessee Department of Agriculture inspector. Animals not in good shape or unhealthy condition are subject to being pulled out of the show and sale. There may be a fee charged for this inspection.
- Dress for the show will be professional. (Nice jeans and boots or closed toe shoes.)
2022 4-H Market Hog Exhibitors
Macy Belyew
Makayla Belyew
Molly Belyew
Kaylee Bishop
Avery Dacus
Jack Dacus
Caleb Hargis
Laney Hargis
Hayden Jennette