The basic soil test includes soil pH, buffer value, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, calculated CEC and base saturation all for the price of $7.00 per sample. The Basic Plus soil test is all the above with zinc, manganese, iron, copper, sodium and boron for $15.00. Pre-sidedress nitrate (PSNT), organic matter and soluble salts is also offered. A container media analysis is useful to greenhouse growers in determining fertility of soil-less mixtures. Turnaround is typically 2 to 5 days and results are routinely mailed but can be e-mailed or faxed.
Test results are used to formulate research-based, cost effective lime and fertilizer recommendations specific to the type of crop or plant and yield desired. Below are the information sheet and test code sheet you will need to submit with your soil test. Come by or call the Benton County Extension for a soil sample box.